The quality of the Bagmati River and its surroundings in Kathmandu has
degraded substantially over the last two decades. More particularly, water
quality near the shrines of Pashupati, Sankhamul and Teku, places where people
offer prayers and carry out rituals like funerals and bathing, has
deteriorated. The degraded state of the river and its tributaries is
attributable to rapid changes in lifestyle and drastic increases in population.
As the number of buildings has increased and modernisation take hold, the
installation of flush toilets, washing machines and solar water heaters has
dramatically increased water use. A typical three-story modern building in
Kathmandu has a minimum of four to five flush toilets. All three technologies
contribute to individual comfort, it is true, but they also increase the volume
of non-consumptive and sanitary water used within a household. Almost all of
this water is converted to grey and black waters.