Nepal Water Conservation Foundation ...


Nepal Water Conservation Foundation (NWCF) is a leading civil society organization of Nepal committed for promotion of interdisciplinary action researches, policy advocacy and building climate and disaster risk resilience capacity of communities and institutions. Building on its core expertise of providing solutions for issues on water management, over the years NWCF has expanded its portfolios to cover diverse aspects of livelihoods, sustainable development and disaster risk management while embedding the cross-cutting themes of gender mainstreaming and climate change responsive planning.

NWCF believes in democratic values and principles and an open society where civic led movements have sufficient space in the governance system in which the civil society actors are active and thriving. It pursues cutting-edge action research, dissemination and training. Our commitment to provide high quality services in a socio-culturally relevant environment is unmatched and has earned us the reputation of a leading action-oriented research organization on water resources, climate change and disaster risk management. Our work is focused on finding solutions to emerging problems of resource management combining democratic ethos with traditional values to serve the marginalized communities. Furthermore, our team members have made countless contributions in the writing of exemplary reports, high-grade project proposals and other publications that are of international standard. Our team members have published their works that have positively benefited the society.

NWCF has received prestigious grants and awards to develop into a Centre of Excellence for interdisciplinary research in Nepal. Earnings from its endowment funds partly goes to maintain its library cum resource center that has a repository of over 6000 books, journals and gray literature on resource management and water issues. The Center has a substantial collection of maps, atlas, pictures, video, newspaper clipping, and brochures. The center is freely accessible and open to the general public including researchers from universities and academic institution colleges, local groups and other institutions. Most of the resources focus on water resources, food security and livelihood, climate change and adaptation, disaster risk mitigation, gender and social inclusion, drinking water, environment and renewable energy. NWCF continuously engages with civil society organization, Universities and volunteer groups to help build their capacities on the intersection between climate change, disaster risk, agriculture, food system and security, renewable energy.

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